Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fashion Doll Patterns: New Blogsite

Administrative Aggravation
Dear Lord Perry viewers;

Sorry for a little administrative inconvenience, but as you may know, this is a resurrected  site that has suffered some of the changes that occur with newer and sometimes better inconveniences.  This one is somewhat minor, but necessary.  

Several years ago I opened the with  the "s" missing from the word Patterns.  I was told that I had no choice because of the availability of that name, etc., etc., etc.  I have now been trying to establish a link with my website and for whatever reason it would not recognize the blogsite.  Without going into boring detail, I have now opened a new blogsite, that is linked to the website.  I really like the convenience of having the same name, and I suspect my readers will also, however, it does mean that I have two blogs, and  All the posting I have done over the years is on the old site (patterns without the s), and a new one begins today.  Over time I will move as much of the pertinent tips, etc. to the new site, but in the meanwhile, you can look at both sites.  The latest additions will only be to this new site.

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